Ilexa Yardley was the first to figure out the the only dynamic in Nature is the Conservation of a Circle.
Conservation of the Circle (Metaphysical Naturalism) (The Circular Theory) solves the duality dilemma (and, perhaps, more important, the grounding problem) that has plagued mankind for 40,000 years, explaining why a circle joining and separating any X and Y is the basis for everything.
Easily the most important discovery of all time.
Humans who take the time to understand it experience better relationships and better financial outcomes because they have a deeper understanding of what connects psychology, technology and finance (see Guide to The Circular Theory).
Yardley holds an MBA in Finance, Stern School of Business, New York University; MSc, BSc, Education (Psychology) (Music) (Multi-Channel Mathematics), State University of New York; Post-Graduate Study, Systems Technology, Mathematics, Physics, Philosophy, Psychology, and Design (Cultural Landscape), New York University, Rice University, Columbia University, Harvard University.