Metaphysical Naturalism


The Circular Theory is a strategic psychological insight and a universal system architecture that exposes the core dynamic in technology, psychology, and finance, as the Conservation of a Circle.

Formally known as Metaphysical Naturalism.


The Intelligent Design Center teaches Metaphysical Naturalism (Intelligent Design) (Intelligent Decisioning) (Intelligent Dispositioning) to restore a realistic understanding of reality using basic ethics (acceptance) as the humanistic goal.

It is especially relevant in a multi-cultural, technologically-advanced, digitally-borderless society, where people need a productive understanding of the relationship between an asset and a liability.

War and peace, competition and cooperation, survival and reproduction, life and death, intellect and emotion, good and bad behavior, are joined and separated by a diameter and a circumference.

Therefore pi (in mathematics) is a universal observer (intelligent decisioning) is involved in everything).


Objectifying Conflict Resolution & Goal Achievement

Because Oppositional Dynamics are the norm (you cannot have Yin without Yang because you cannot have a Circumference without a Diameter) any observation makes the opposing observation real. 

A misunderstanding of time (the singular observational perspective) ('my view') is the problem all humans are forced to solve (any perspective makes the opposing perspective real).

Reality is, necessarily, unified (X is unified by Y) because the circle is conserved. All observation, then, is speculative (half-true). This produces magical thinking (emotional decisioning) which throws us off (puts us in a ‘bad’ situation) half-the-time.


Thus, an understanding of Metaphysical Naturalism (AIM Architecture) overcomes this challenge, achieves any goal, and is applicable to all disciplines and age groups for any individual who takes the time to understand it.


Engaging Strategic Thinking

A circle in the background proves a liability is an asset (and vice versa) so what we see is never the whole story.

Meaning: from my point of view I am the asset and you are the liability; from your point of view, you are the asset and I am the liability, so this is the basis for conflict (assumption, actualization) (self-fulfilling prophecy) (goal achievement) in all disciplines (including the universe in general).

Metaphysical Naturalism (AIM Architecture) makes people aware of (and accountable for) this insight (oversight, foresight) and, then, teaches them how (and why) to accept, strategize, and capitalize, around it (intelligent design, decisioning, dispositioning).


Maximizing Universal Circularity

As for real assets and liabilities, the main problem facing all people is how to effectively monetize time while making a worthwhile contribution to society, and, humanity, more universally.

Metaphysical Naturalism solves this problem by providing the foundation (physical and symbolic) for people to overcome boredom and ennui (and the death-wish in general) (the main problem facing humans) by using the 'ubiquitous opinion' as a monetization factor.

Therefore, the methodology is simple...


Read an article or book, take a class, and, then teach a class, to understand (and apply) the theory fully.

And, that's it. You're done.

You have achieved a fully supra-conscious state using your own thinking as a strategic asset.


You have, also, monetized your time using the 'ubiquitous opinion' that enlightens others (draws an opposing opinion) in the process.

Discussing the nature of perspective in a group setting, where a couple is the most basic group, identifies reality (two perspectives, complementary identity, constant opposition).

Exposing Nature’s rationale, demonstrating and proving the power and the competitive advantage of the Conservation of a Circle (Metaphysical Naturalism) (AIM Architecture).


Correlating A Liability and an Asset

Universal circularity correlates the philosophical foundation of all religions (the universal asset) with basic mathematics (the constant liability) clearing up the confusion caused by historical, culturally-disconnected, multi-disciplinary development, proving Nature is Intelligent.

This clarifies reality, using this simple assumption: a liability is an asset (and vice versa) (i.e. time is the liability when a person is the asset, and vice versa) (a hidden circle produces repetition and, therefore, multiplication, for any system) (the constant is a variable).


Enjoying Sustainable Perpetuity

Perpetual Projects that produce continual cash flow include:

I Just Want To Be Beautiful (reality TV, to educate people on how anyone can be brilliant, rich and beautiful using the Circular Theory).

Financial Intelligence (using Circular Theory as the basis for a universally stabilizing fiscal policy).

64Dates (reality TV) (a dating APP to engage everyone and to prove General Relativity (AIM Architecture) (Virtual Anticipation) is present in every relationship).

Going Solo (reality TV, house plans, financial intelligence to support self-sufficiency and survival) (after you're tired of the 'dating' stuff) (you are rady to detach fulltime).

The Despair Project (a universal talk line for people who are suffering from addiction and other negative realities they are having trouble overcoming).

Rethinking Reality and Modern Dao (documentary on the Circular Theory to expose the underlying relationship between religion and science).

The Counter-Terrorism Initiative (using reality TV as a CIA project to explain, understand, and, potentially, eliminate, global conflict by providing a blueprint for next-millennia political and financial structures).

Psychological Physics (accessing quantum entanglement as the core assumption and the basis for the lie (virtual anticipation) (constant duplicity) as a protective mechanism in Nature).

The Penumbra Affair (Scorpio Rising and The Third Element) (The Third Coming) (film/TV globalization, war and peace projects to build public awareness of The Circular Theory).

The Integrated Thought Institute Meditation Center a land conservation, virtual reality, meditation project, for the technologically overloaded to regenerate and recharge.


What The Circular Theory Delivers

Gives competitive advantage (accurate virtual anticipation) (dynamic signaling) to users (who take the time to understand and apply it thoroughly).

Removes blocks. Overcomes boredom, chaos, listlessness, emotional decisioning. 

Achieves personal and professional clarity.

Clarifies and integrates personal and professional goals.

Resolves conflicts. Monetizes time. Bestows peace.

Builds a Naturally Appreciating Market (perpetual cash stream).


Taking a Shortcut

Shortcut for busy people: 50-50 answers ALL questions (solves all problems) (equalizes reality).

Whatever appears 'true' is (half) false.

Therefore, we're all the same.

Meaning we all make the exact same mistakes.

We share the same cyclical dynamic (AIM Architecture) giving a perpetual competitive advantage for those who take the time to understand and apply it fully.


Complementarity is an alternate word for Identity because Duplicity is the basis for a Unit (the core assumption in Nature).

The number 'two' is the only number in Nature (the natural limit in all directions).


Realizing: It's all About You...

The Circular Theory is something you will need to think about by yourself, on your own, completely detached, if you want to validate your own ideas about the reality you are forced to negotiate every day (clarify everything for yourself, make more intelligent decisions about how to spend your time) (find some relief from technological chaos facing all of us) (be ahead of the curve) (figure out why bad things happen to good people and vice versa). 

It is very easy to observe: Conservation of the Circle is the insight that solves all problems, answers any outstanding questions, resolves any paradox (a circle can only circle and only a circle can circle) (explaining everything we attempt to describe using language and-or mathematics).

However, you will have to reach this conclusion for yourself. No one can help you to ‘see’ what you already ‘know.’


50-50 is a self-fulfilling prophecy (the constant) (not just the norm).

So, that's it. Enjoy!


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